周剑秋,男 ,1998年10月南京化工大学研究生毕业,获工学博士学位,2002-2004年美国马里兰大学Research Associate, 2006年于必赢破格聘任为教授,同年晋升为博士生导师。
1. 先进材料(纳米晶、金属玻璃、陶瓷、复合材料)的制备与力学性能、微纳器件数控加工与工业应用;
2. 新能源材料(太阳能与锂电池)与装备(太阳能、天然气水合物、氢能与核能);
3. 工业涂层(金属陶瓷表面喷涂、碳钢表面不锈钢化、表面纳米化及微纳米复合涂层);
4. 工业环保与节能工艺及成套装备;
5. 压力容器与管道的设计、智能制造与安全技术。
1. Wei P F, Zhou J Q, Pang X M, et al. Effects of dislocation mechanics on diffusion-induced stresses within a spherical insertion particle electrode [J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2014, 2(4): 1128.
2. Zhu R T, Zhou J Q, Li X B, et al. Investigation of shear-banding mechanism in fully dense nanocrystalline Ni sheet [J]. Materials Characterization, 2010, 61(4): 396-401.
3. Wang L, Zhou J Q, Zhang S, et al. Effects of accommodated grain boundary sliding on triple junction nanovoid nucleation in nanocrystalline materials [J]. Mechanics of Materials, 2014, 71: 10-20.
4. Dong S H, Zhou J Q, Hui D, et al. Interaction between edge dislocations and amorphous interphase in carbon nanotubes reinforced metal matrix nanocomposites incorporating interface effect [J]. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2014, 51(5): 1149-1163.
5. Dong S H, Zhou J Q, Hui D, et al. Size dependent strengthening mechanisms in carbon nanotube reinforced metal matrix composites [J]. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2015, 68: 356-364.