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何松波,男,1981年出生,江苏靖江人,工学博士,必赢教授。主要研究方向为循环碳资源的可持续催化转化。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、辽宁省自然科学基金面上项目、荷兰科学研究组织NWO和荷兰企业局RVO项目等。发表SCI收录英文文章53篇(第一作者或通讯作者文章37篇,H-指数17,2022年9月)和中文核心期刊文章20篇;撰写英国皇家化学学会Specialist Periodical Reports - Catalysis系列丛书两章;获授权中国发明专利6件;获山东省科学技术进步奖贰等奖和中国石油和化学工业联合会科学技术进步奖叁等奖等。


2022.06 获荷兰格罗宁根大学博士学位(化学工程-可持续催化方向)

2009.07 获中国科学院大连化学物理研究所博士学位(化学工程-工业催化方向)

2002.07 获江苏石油化工学院学士学位(化学工程)


2022.01- 必赢,教授

2016.10-2022.01 荷兰格罗宁根大学,博士后 (合作导师Prof. Dr. H.J. Heeres

2014.04-2016.09 荷兰特文特大学,博士后 (合作导师Prof. Dr. K. SeshanProf. Dr. G. Brem

2011.10-2014.02 中国科学院大连化学物理研究所,大连洁净能源国家实验室 (筹),副研究员

2009.07-2011.09 中国科学院大连化学物理研究所,大连洁净能源国家实验室 (筹),助理研究员



1. 固、液废弃物催化转化(催化裂解、加氢裂解、液相重整、气相重整等)

2. 多相催化剂(复合催化剂、分子筛等)

3. 催化反应装备及系统(裂解反应器、连续‘催化反应-再生’循环系统等)


1. Catalytic conversion of glycerol with co-feeds (fatty acids, alcohols, and alkanes) to bio-based aromatics: remarkable and unprecedented synergetic effects on catalyst performance

Songbo He, Thomas Sjouke Kramer, Dian Sukmayanda Santosa, Andre Heeres, Hero Jan Heeres*

Green Chemistry, 2022, 24: 941-949

2. A time- and space-resolved catalyst deactivation study on the conversion of glycerol to aromatics using H-ZSM-5

Songbo He, Hero Reinder Goldhoorn, Zhuorigebatu Tegudeer, Anshu Chandel, Andre Heeres, Marc C.A. Stuart, Hero Jan Heeres*

Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 434: 134620

3. Catalytic conversion of pure glycerol over an un-modified H-ZSM-5 zeolite to bio-based aromatics

Songbo He, Kenny Zuur, Dian Sukmayanda Santosa, Andre Heeres, Chuncheng Liu, Evgeny Pidko, Hero Jan Heeres*

Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 2021, 281: Article 119467

4. Catalytic upcycling paper sludge for the recovery of minerals and production of renewable high-grade biofuels and bio-based chemicals

Songbo He*, Anton Bijl, Leon Rohrbach, Qingqing Yuan, Dian Sukmayanda Santosa, Zhiwen Wang, Hero Jan Heeres, Gerrit Brem

Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 420: 129714

5. Catalytic conversion of free fatty acids to bio-based aromatics: A model investigation using oleic acid and an H-ZSM-5/Al2O3 catalyst

Songbo He, Frederike Gerda Hiltje Klein, Thomas Sjouke Kramer, Anshu Chandel, Zhuorigebatu Tegudeer, Andre Heeres, Hero Jan Heeres*

ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2021, 9: 1128-1141

6. Recycling strategy for bio-aqueous phase via catalytic wet air oxidation to bio-based acetic acid solution

Songbo He*, Anton Bijl, Leon Lefferts, Sascha R.A. Kersten, Gerrit Brem

ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2020, 8:14694-14699

7. Catalytic wet oxidation: process and catalyst development and the application perspective

Songbo He*

Specialist periodical reports (SPRs) - Catalysis, Volume 31, PP. 37-71, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2019

8. Catalytic pyrolysis of crude glycerol over shaped ZSM-5/bentonite catalysts for bio-BTX synthesis

Songbo He, I. Muizebelt, A. Heeres, N.J. Schenk, R. Blees, H.J. Heeres*

Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 2018, 235: 45-55

9. Dehydrogenation of long chain paraffins to olefins - A perspective

Songbo He*, K.R. Krishnamurthy, K. Seshan

Specialist periodical reports (SPRs) - Catalysis, Volume 29, PP. 282-316, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2017

10. Catalytic hydro-pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass over dual Na2CO3/Al2O3 and Pt/Al2O3 catalysts using n-butane at ambient pressure

T.S. Nguyen, Songbo He*, G. Raman, K. Seshan

Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 299:415-419


1. Oral - Biobased aromatics and polymers from lignocellulosic biomass

Songbo He* and Hero Jan Heeres

The 24th Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference (ACS GC&E, 24届美国化学会绿色化学与工程年会), Seattle, 美国, 16-18 June 2020.

2. Oral - Catalytic conversion of glycerol and fatty acids to bio-BTX over H-ZSM-5/Al2O3 catalyst

Songbo He*, Frederike Gerda Hiltje Klein, Hero Reinder Goldhoorn, Inouk Muizebelt, Andre Heeres and Hero Jan Heeres

Conference: The 26th meeting of the North American Catalysis Society (NAM26, 26届北美催化学会大会), Chicago, 美国, 23-28 June 2019.

3. Keynote - Catalytic pyrolysis of crude glycerol for bio-based BTX production

Songbo He*

Conference: The 15th edition of the Netherlands Process Technology Symposium (NPS15, 15届荷兰过程技术研讨会), Enschede, 荷兰, 30-31 May, 2018.





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